
The Story Of Luminate

Every company has a story to tell, and Luminate is no exception. What began as a frustrating personal experience during my home renovation project has become a full-service safeguarding not only homeowners but commercial enterprises during a construction project.

Company History

How it all Began

There’s nothing quite like a home renovation that’s firing on all cylinders. It’s easy to get excited when your contractor is in a groove, and it seems like there’s constant positive progress. Unfortunately, mine had its fair share of hiccups, and the severity of the situation brought my dream project to a screeching halt. Not only that, I lost hundreds of thousands in the process!

I realized I wasn’t alone. So many homeowners suffer through poor relationships with general contractors and suffer a financial loss when they fail to pay their subcontractors. This leads to delays in the project being completed and, worse still, a lien imposed on the property.

I wanted a better way for homeowners to manage the downstream flow of funds and to obtain approvals easily from the team working on the project. Transparency was a key component of the mix. This led to the birth of Luminate!

There’s nothing quite like a home renovation project that’s firing on all cylinders – as long as you have financial controls in place!

Nadeem Mohammed